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laser services

IPL Photofacial $99+

Intense Pulsed Light uses the power of broadband light to improve the appearance of sun spots, Rosacea, age spots, and skin texture. IPL can also be used for hair removal, photo rejuvenation, and destroying acne causing bacteria.


Laser Genesis $125

Improve your skin’s tone and texture, minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and make unsightly veins virtually disappear. Laser Genesis is safe for all skin types, dramatically improving the appearance of acne, rosacea, pitting and scarring, sunspots, and regenerates collagen.

Tribella™ $699

The power of three unique procedures from Venus Versa™ combined into one complete skin renewal treatment, resulting in incredibly smoother, younger, healthier-looking skin. Tribella™ photofacial uses precise bursts of intense pulsed light (IPL) to improve the appearance of uneven skin tone and sun damage. Tribella™ anti-aging uses a comfortable combination of energy types to produce heat beneath the skin, helping to promote healthy blood flow and stimulate the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Tribella™ skin resurfacing improves skin texture by delivering energy deep into the skin, using tiny electrode pins to create micro-dermal wounds with minimal impact on the epidermis. As the skin heals, it naturally boosts collagen and elastin production for total skin renewal.    


Hair Removal $39+

The laser emits a beam of highly concentrated light that’s absorbed by the pigment of the hair follicle. This causes the hair follicle to die, which stops hair growth over time. Due to the hair growth cycle, research has shown that treating once per 4, 6, or 8 weeks (depending on location of treated area) maximizes the amount of hair follicles that can be destroyed each session. Amount of treatments and success rates vary. Now accepting Schilling Medical spa clients.


Tattoo Removal $39+

The laser emits ultra-quick pulses of light energy onto the unwanted tattoo. The trapped ink particles absorb the light energy, heat up, and shatter into tiny fragments for the body’s immune system to dispose of naturally. Amount of treatments and individual results vary by age and location of the tattoo.


CO2 Resurfacing $699

Ablative procedure with extreme depth of penetration to resurface up to 21 layers of dull skin, removing acne scars, wrinkles, and sun damage. Massive collagen production will continue over the following six months for maximum results.

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